Wooden USB Presentation Box

Just a very quick post to announce the arrival of my new wooden usb sticks and presentation box.  These are handcrafted and add a touch of class and are more current with the times.  The USB stick will replace the DVD that came standard with all packages and there will be no extra charge for the USB stick/box going forward.

I hope you will agree that the USB stick is moving with the times where many clients ultra-thin laptops don’t have a traditional disc drive anymore, and many smart TV’s allow images to be displayed as a slideshow.

The wooden USB box has a slide out lid and inside reveals a USB stick held in place by a custom cut out piece of foam.  The USB stick is also made of wood and features a handy pivot mechanism for the USB connector to rotate out of its protector.

Everyone can now look forward to this lovely wooden USB stick and presentation box in their wedding package.

Wooden USB stick and presentation box

Wooden USB stick and presentation box