Pre-Prom Photos and Garden Party
The client contacted me through my Facebook page about taking some prom photos of her and her friends before them went to their high school prom. She originally asked for group photos both formal and candid, which was a good idea. I suggested to take formal group photos, then formal individual photos and then natural photos which the client thought would be perfect.

Prom & Garden Party, Darlington
I arrived at the client’s friend’s house in Darlington at 5pm, it was very warm out and the sun soft in the sky. As I waited for the rest of the girls to arrive its always good to have a bit of time on a shoot to gather ones thoughts, and whilst I waited I had a look around the garden to scout out the best locations.
- Portrait, Prom & Garden Party, Darlington
- Portrait, Prom & Garden Party, Darlington
- Portrait, Prom & Garden Party, Darlington
- Portrait, Prom & Garden Party, Darlington
The girls looked very smart in their evening gowns and all seemed excited for their prom. As planned we took the individual photos as shown above, then the group photos. Once the formals were over everyone then relaxed, chatted and had fun. I changed tactic from being obvious for the formal photos and changed camera lens for a longer lens so that I could stand further back from the action and get natural photos. Natural photography allows one to create photos with natural behaviour and smiles. A select of images are shown below. If you are interested in event photography for yourself please contact me.
- Prom & Garden Party, Darlington
- Prom & Garden Party, Darlington
- Prom & Garden Party, Darlington
- Prom & Garden Party, Darlington
- Prom & Garden Party, Darlington
- Prom & Garden Party, Darlington
- Prom & Garden Party, Darlington
- Prom & Garden Party, Darlington
- Prom & Garden Party, Darlington
- Prom & Garden Party, Darlington
- Prom & Garden Party, Darlington